CBC Parents

Please accept my deepest regrets for your loss. There is No Perfect Thing To Say.

The Right Words To Say When Someone Has Lost A Child

A book may be useful as the parents go through the complicated grieving process.

Words to say to grieving parents. Im sorry to hear the news of your brother passing. I am always here for you. If I were in your position I would be lost and clueless.

I wouldnt know where to begin if I were in someone elses shoes. A parent who is grieving is hurting so badly that its difficult to understand when your friends dont know how to be there And sometimes there really isnt much of anything anyone can do to help a parent feel better or to gain more strength except simply be there The only thing I can suggest is to continue to reach out to your friends letting them know you still. While someone who has lost a parent might find some comfort in hearing about your own similar loss keep in mind that its not always helpful to relate your own experience with death or the loss of a parent to someone elses situation.

This includes not saying at least your child lived x long or at least your child wont have to or at least you have faith in the hereafter or at least anything. Sending your condolences. What NOT to say to a grieving parent.

You might say something like I know that your faith is providing you hope and encouragement during these difficult days Or I know that it is your faith in God. A shoulder to lean on during this time goes a long way in helping your family member process their grief. Words Of Comfort For Someone Who Is Grieving 1.

Your Dad was a wonderful man. Mothers Day for the Not-OK. Words to say to friends that are grieving parents due to the loss of a child.

If youve thought about what if or if only then so has the grieving parent. Yet the opposite is true. If you know that the grieving parents have a relationship with God then even if you do not have a close relationship with the parents consider referencing the nature of their hope in God.

Perhaps the best thing that can be done is to simply acknowledge their loss and validate their feelings. Be sure you understand that there really is no perfect thing to say. What you are going through is completely unfair.

Please let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you. Bereavement words for a child who has lost a parent. I have an open heart and time to listen.

Im just really sorry youve had to go through this. At least minimizes the significance of the loss which grieving friends need validated and acknowledged not diminished. We have lost the most precious person in our entire lives.

If you think no one says this I cant tell you the number of parents I know that have heard those very words. You didnt mention this which I hope means no one has been clueless enough to say this to you but another thing people say to grieving parents is youre lucky you still have your other children or even you have to be strong for your other children Implying that children are interchangable or that having lost one child youll somehow forget to take care of the others. Little if anything can be said to diminish the pain or agony of the parents.

The Hardest Post Or Its a Boy Run not walk. Avoid saying At least you know that you can get pregnant to a woman who just miscarried. What TO Say to a grieving parent.

First of all as mentioned before I totally understand the discomfort you may encounter when talking to someone who is in this life changing situation. When everyone else has moved on your words of condolences can have a real impact. Sending a sympathy card to a parent or parents who have lost a child is a thoughtful gesture.

This is the surest way of making the person you are wanting to help feel like you have twisted a knife in their already broken heart and you are likely to lose all faith they had in you forever. Learn to live in acceptance of the loss not in spite of the loss. She kept her gaze into my eyes as I sobbed.

What can I do for you today. Keep it to yourself or if you have to get it out confide in someone totally unrelated to the situation. Im here for you to lean on.

Here are some better alternatives. Remember to be careful of the things you say to a parent who just lost a child. In other words you might not want to say I know exactly what youre going through Instead you may want to try saying I went through this with my momdad and I know how painful it can be.

Unfortunately I am the grieving parent. Dont say You can try again soon to a woman who delivered a stillborn child. Never never say it.

Here are some uplifting quotes to offer as words of comfort for someone who is grieving whether in a sympathy card or in person. On this Dreadful Anniversary. Its hard to know what people going through a loss really need and even harder.

It was so powerful just being witnessed. There are several things you can say that will leave a lasting impression. If you dont know what to say about the childs death then emphasize your love respect or admiration for the grieving parents.

It should go without saying but it is not helpful to shame or guilt a parent who has just lost a child.